Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Thanks for the birthday shout outs! I can't believe I am a third of a century old. Be sure to give Jason B. a shout out today. He's gotta be 36 by now!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ginkos are Dropping Fast

The Leaves are Gone!

Check out the Ginkos! These leaves dropped in a total of 24 hours. It is like really large snow flakes.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just a Few More


These are going to make great piles!

The Process

Check out these trees! The pics are of the same tree taken a week after each other.

Fall Pictures

This is where I work and live. Can you believe it?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Costumes should be okay everyday!?!


Tomorrow is Halloween and it is my treat day at work. If you know me, you know I am not a fan of Halloween. I decided to make an Oedipus cake for treats (she just happens to be a black cat). Have a great day and be sure to share in the joy of kids laughing and overdosing on candy.


With a busy FALL comes the need for some help with the D-O-G. Courtney helped me by stopping by a few times to run Siletto. This pic shows how well it went. Thanks for the help Courtney!

A long FALL

Is it already winter. We have had our first freeze and it is chilly! September and October have been crazy with work! November has the potential to be the same. Here are a few pics of what has been going on at the KY Davidson household and around town
